Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Who goes there???

My job is to protect the house, and as such, I try to stay awake and listen to the smallest of noises. I must say, I do a really good job. At least that's what my two-pawed flatmates tell me. They, on the other hand, do a horrible job at it, but that's another rant. Sometimes people sneak up on me and I hate it, especially when I'm eating. One furry long-tailed black-and-white creature keeps jumping over the fence and into my backyard. He's a total pisser and one day I'm going to get a taste of him. For now, I just bark when I see him - sneaky bastard. Oh well, it's time to go nap, so I'll see you later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Otto is soooo cute!! This site is so excellent!! I really enjoyed this!!! I will visit often, it guarantees a smile!!!